I got thrush again and this was the worst case yet. It was so gross and extremely painful, so I decided to quit nursing you and decided I was going to exclusively pump. You still got the benefits of breastmilk and I finally got rid of my thrush. It was so weird but whenever you would nurse it would get so bad, and when I pumped it would disappear so it was really the only option or to switch you to formula, but that was an expensive option so I decided to pump. Luckily your dad's work gave us this AMAZING hospital grade pump for practically free. (We just had to pay the taxes on it) But holy cow was it a life saver. I would pump every 3 hours and had plenty of milk to feed you and enough to put some away to freeze.
This month you got to go to the eye doctor. Ever since you were born you had a little bit of a lazy eye, and we were really worried about it. You're dad has pretty terrible vision, and they said that the lazy eye may be an indication that you will have bad vision too. We went to the eye doctor and they said your lazy eye was barely noticeable and it would probably correct itself, and your vision was actually really good. Phew. You were so good while we were there. All of the doctors were in love with you. They thought you were the cutest thing ever.
We flew to Utah for a weekend trip. Daddy had to go out there for a recruiting event for work, and his company flew us out also. It was crazy busy. You were so good though. We seriously went from one house to the next to visit people. You got to meet your friends the Winders, the Bicks, the Altoms, the Larsons, and the Bryans. You also got to meet some of your daddy's extended family the Zobrists, and Lemmons. It was so fun getting to introduce you to all of our wonderful friends and family. It was sad it was such a short visit, but we had fun.
We celebrated St. Patrick's Day with our usual corned beef, cabbage, potatoes, carrots, and soda bread. We got you all dressed up cute and took pictures. You look really good in green.
The day before you turned 3 months you rolled over!! We were playing up in your room, and you were doing some tummy time and you were kind of rocking back and forth so I pulled out my camera cause I thought you might roll over and luckily I had my camera out cause you totally did. You are such a strong girl, and you were developing so quickly, that it kind of took us by surprise. We love you so much and are so grateful everyday to be your parents.
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We ate at this yummy place called the Crepevine. It was amazing. I got a corned beef has scramble, and Adam and I shared a s'mores crepe.
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