Your dad was able to take that first week of your life off from work, and we were able to work together to try and take care of you. You liked to eat and wanted to eat every 2 hours on the dot, but you had a hard time staying awake so we had to take all of your clothes off, put cold rags on you, and constantly tickle you to try and keep you awake. You gained weight like a champion though. You were already above your birth weight when we took you home from the hospital and you kept gaining.
You loved to sleep on mommy and daddy's chest, so we just held you all day long. You were sleeping in your crib since the day we brought you home. Daddy and I slept in the room with you for that first month. I was a little paranoid about not being close to you. You did not sleep very well at night those first couple months. You were up every couple of hours and you had a lot of gas which gave you bad tummy aches. It was so sad listening to you cry and knowing you were in pain and there wasn't much we could do about it.
Grandma Gorham came out during your second week after Daddy went back to work. It was so much fun having her here. She loved to cuddle with you. She even took you during the night after I fed you so I could get some sleep. She bought you lots of clothes cause we did not buy hardly any newborn stuff. She helped me make a car seat cover and headbands for you. She was especially helpful when we were trying to take your newborn pictures. You were super fussy so I had to try and nurse you to get you to go to sleep so we could take some pictures and Grandma would change your clothes so gently so you wouldn't wake up. We actually got to get out a couple times while she was here and do a little shopping. She was here for a week and had to go back home. It was really sad cause then it was just you and me.
It was hard being by myself all day with you, especially when your dad wasn't getting home til like 8pm, but we survived. You gave me your first smile at 3 weeks and it absolutely melted my heart. We both got thrush during your 4th week of life. My friend Stephanie came over to drive us to the doctors since dad had the car. We got some medicine for you that didn't work at all. Mommy was in a lot of pain nursing you but the medicine helped the pain go away after a couple days. Then I got rid of it but you still had it. You went to church for the first time during your 4th week also. You got to wear the dress that Grandma Gorham crocheted for you. You looked so beautiful and everyone was just oohing and ahhing over how cute you are.
I learned and grew so much during that first month of your life. I relied on a lot of prayers to help me get through it. You were absolutely perfect though. You were the cutest thing that I had ever laid eyes on. It took me a while to really grasp that you were my baby. I thanked Heavenly Father everyday that I got to be your mom.
Pictures from your first month of life

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