Saturday, January 7, 2012

Family Pictures

I think the last time my family got Family Pictures done I was probably 10 or 11. My mom was at Albertsons and this photographer was handing out pamphlets that he was going to be taking pictures at the grocery store. So my mom thought that would be a great idea. So we got all dressed up and matchy, and headed into Albertsons to get family pictures done. Can you say Ghetto? Wow that was awkward. So I decided it was about time for us to get some done again. I have a nice camera so I figured I could just manual do the settings and then I could have some one take them. It worked out quite well. It would have worked better if I had brothers that liked to cooperate, but no they put up a fight the entire time. I can say that we got 1 where everyone was looking at the camera and somewhat smiling. I say success.

The serious ones

The not so serious ones


  1. Fun couple of months and some great pictures!

  2. Umm..... 2nd to last picture.... breast feeding?
    Anyway, I think we should hang out sometime. It's been forever!
    I love all the pictures. It looks like you guys have had quite the year!

  3. hahahaha YES! My brothers are extremely weird. And yes we need to hang out. It has been way too long.
